Brock Twigg (OR2020)
At the beginning of Year 10 at Riverview, Brock Twigg suffered a head injury. When he returned to school, he experienced challenges including difficulties with learning. The former Bursary recipient, who graduated in 2020, was grateful for the support he received.
What he didn’t expect was to graduate two years later with the results he achieved. “My final mark was a score of 95.15, which I never expected,” he says. “Now I’m at Sydney University studying civil engineering. I’m pretty stoked about where I am right now. I think that’s thanks to the school.”
Brock says the relationships he established at Riverview was one of the greatest highlights. “One of most significant things I’ve taken out of Riverview is the friends I’ve built here, which I’m so grateful for.”
Brock would like to thank those who have supported and continue to support the Bursary program. “I don’t know how my family would have got me here without the Bursary program. What you do is so important.”